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Daycare Verification:
Please provide proof of the reported $___ childcare expense. Please submit any relevant documentation, such as receipts or invoices, to support your claim. Please do this as soon as possible in order to avoid possible denial of benefits; thank you in advance.

Verification of Room and Board Income/Expense:
To ensure accurate processing of your case, we request verification of any room and board income you are paying or receiving. It is essential for us to have the necessary documentation to support this information. Please upload any relevant documents or records that will assist us in this regard.

Social Security Award Letter:
Please provide your MOST RECENT Award Letter(s) from The Social Security Administration. As you have a triple entitlement you may have more than one social security. Please Verify this with us.

MANAGEMENT [if employed w/ less inc than expenses]:
Documentation of all loans, contributions, and gifts utilized to cover your expenditures is required, as your current income does not sufficiently align with the total expenses incurred.

MANAGEMENT II [if unemployed w/ less inc than expenses]:
We are writing to request evidence of your gross income if you're employed, as it hasn't been disclosed. If you're not employed or you make less money than you have in expenses, please clarify how you manage your expenses. Moreover, if you do not work, we require documentation of any loans, contributions, or gifts used to cover your costs, as your existing income does not fully meet your financial obligations.

Child Support Received:
Please provide proof of monthly child support payments from the absent parent, including the payment amount, frequency, addresses of both parents, phone numbers of both parents, and a signature from the absent parent for authentication.

Authentication Official:
*Your case is pending for AUTHENTICTION PROCESS: You did not authenticate on your application. Authentication Is required to process your case by ANSWERING CORRECLTY 3 OUT OF 4 QUESTIONS. You can verify your AUTHENTICTION to us in one of two ways (1) Call our Call Center at (850)350-4323 or (2) call 321-604-4262

Loss of Income Official:
Please provide verification of loss of income by having your employer fill out the enclosed loss of income form, front and back. Also attach last month of pay received at this job. Please provide verification you have applied for unemployment. You can apply for unemployment at or and provide a clear copy of the confirmation page. This is a requirement for Medicaid.

Unemployment Alone:
Please provide verification you have applied for unemployment. You can apply for unemployment at or and provide a clear copy of the confirmation page. This is a requirement for Medicaid.

Financial Support:
We are writing to request a written statement regarding the financial support you receive each month. Specifically, we need the following details | Amount of Money: Please specify the exact amount of money you receive monthly. | Frequency of Payments: Indicate the frequency of these payments (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) | Signatures: We require both your signature and the signature of the individual providing you with financial support. | If the amount varies, please provide the total received in the last 30 days and notify us promptly of any changes. Thank you.

Self Employment Income Verification:
You have reported self employment income in the amount of $1400.00 monthly. In order to further process your case please provide verification of this income by providing the details of the self employment... please provide proof of all gross income in the last 4 weeks preferably with a schedule C tax return document... if a schedule C cant be provided then please provide us with a work calendar that has each day of the month, how much youve earned on each of those days and the expenses youve incurred for each of those days [reciepts needed to prove expenses].

Please provide proof that you have applied for a SSN for ___________ with the Social Security Administration. They Should have provided you a confirmation stub.

Out Of State Benefits:
We have recently discovered you are receiving benefits in another state. In order to get benefits in the State of Florida you must no longer be receiving benefits in the state you came from. Please upload a letter from the state you came from that communicates that you are no longer receiving benefits in the state of [your state] . All benefits that you are receiving from that state must be stopped [ex: food stamps, Medicaid, cash benefits] and all benefits which are stopping must be listed on the closure letter. Some states have multiple agencies that handle benefits… so you may need more than one letter. Thank you!

Abawd Interview:
You have been identified as a potential ABAWD or an "Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents". You must complete an interview. We have attempted contact with you but there was either no answer or no phone number provided on the application. Please make contact with our call center at 1-850-300-4323 to complete this interview.

Financial Release:
In order to proceed with the application process please fill out and sign the Financial Release form and return it via the portal, Fax, or at your closest DCF Storefront. Thank You!